In the third episode of the BCPcast, we take a look at a comparatively new source of risk that has landed in the lap of many already-overworked continuity professionals: cyber.
Cyber-crime is a multi-billion dollar industry, and it’s evolving at a staggering pace. Highly regimented criminal organisations are employing talented technical professionals to access and exploit privileged systems and data, whilst isolated threat actors enjoy easy access to sophisticated malware that’s affordable and easy-to-use.
In this episode we talk to continuity professionals and a cyber intelligence expert to look at some non-traditional planning exercises and education programmes that can help to inform existing cyber security programmes and guide user-behaviours towards a high degree of resilience against the emerging cyber threat landscape.
In the third episode of the BCPcast, we take a look at a comparatively new source of risk that has landed in the lap of many already-overworked continuity professionals: cyber.
Cyber-crime is a multi-billion dollar industry, and it’s evolving at a staggering pace. Highly regimented criminal organisations are employing talented technical professionals to access and exploit privileged systems and data, whilst isolated threat actors enjoy easy access to sophisticated malware that’s affordable and easy-to-use.
In this episode we talk to continuity professionals and a cyber intelligence expert to look at some non-traditional planning exercises and education programmes that can help to inform existing cyber security programmes and guide user-behaviours towards a high degree of resilience against the emerging cyber threat landscape.